Friday, March 24, 2017

Experiencing the Writing Style

     Reading the book I Am Malala is a very enlightening experience to say the least. Not only does the reader get a glimpse into a world outside their own, but also very real accounts of the discrimination occurring in places such as Pakistan. Despite the fascinating and terrifying stories told in this book, the way it was written is what truly amazes me.
    Malala Yousafzai was able to so eloquently profess not only her life story but the story of her father as well. She showed great knowledge of the struggles her father went through for education, and fair treatment for women. Her amazing storytelling abilities were evident by the way she seamlessly intertwined her and her father's stories, and how she was able to so easily drive her point of equality home.
    Not only was the writing style fantastic, but the words Malala chose to use were brilliant. Being from a very western culture there were a lot of words and phrases I simply could not pronounce, and there were also quite a few words I had to look up. Needing to search for definitions of various words to further learn about Malala’s culture and immerse myself in the story was a definite highlight of my reading experience. Malala was not only able to tell an impressive story, but pull me into her life and see circumstances through new eyes. I cannot think of a better role model for women today, and I am truly happy I had the opportunity to read her book.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Key Learnings and Why You Should Be Grateful

     The first key learning from Malala’s book would be to never hesitate to raise your voice, don't ever give up on what you believe. If you don’t raise your voice, it is unlikely that anyone will hear you. Everyone has something to say, many times they don't speak up because they're afraid. If we are to take one true lesson from this book it's that boldly sharing your thoughts, and ideas is very important.
    Another lesson from the book is to dream, and to let your dreams guide you and your actions. Never think that any dream is too difficult, or too unrealistic. You have the freedom to dream and the power to achieve any goal that you set. Malala shows us how she never gave up on her dream, even after she got shot she kept going. She's still fighting for her rights, and for the rights of all women.
   The most important lesson however, is don’t hate or seek revenge. Malala was shot by a member of the Taliban on her way home from school. The Taliban attempted to kill her, and revenge is the last thing on Malala’s mind. That ideal doesn't benefit anyone and is simply a waste of time. Instead of seeking revenge she responds to it with peace, not violence.
    When the Taliban shot Malala their goal was to silence her campaign for girls’ education in Pakistan. They did not succeed. They have only made Malala’s voice stronger and clearer, and she has inspired millions across the world with her courage, dedication and strength.
    A major key learning is to never take freedom and education for granted. In a country where freedom is strictly limited and education is not widely praised, Malala struggled every day with these two aspects. What I took away from this book was to be grateful for everything you have. Don’t complain about having to go to school, it is an amazing right! There are many girls around the world who would love the opportunity to go to school every day without fearing for their lives. Be grateful you are receiving an education. Be grateful your country is in full support of you. Be grateful you have a voice in your country. You are extremely lucky.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Call to Action: Why you Should Read This Book

I am Malala is a very important book for all of us to read, it shows the journey a young girl who stood to fight for girls education in her home. Since the beginning of time fighting for equal education has been a struggle; women were expected to always stay home, cook, clean, and take care of the babies. Social scientists say that if we want to end global poverty then we have to educate girls, especially when they are in their pre-teen years. They say that the community will positively change, per capital income will increase, infant mortality will go down, and the economy's growth rate will increase. Educated women will go on to educate their children and slowly the world will change. 
     Education is a right that everyone should have and the book, I am Malala proves that. You can't find this lesson any more evident than in this book. I am Malala should be read for its urgent message about the power of females that has yet to be tapped. Malala Yousafzai stands for the universal possibility of a little girl who became the daughter of an entire nation. Malala has a voice of purity but also the rigidity of the principled. Her faith and her duty to girls getting education is unquestionable.  Although Malala is honored around the globe for her eloquence, intelligence, and bravery Malala has been rejected in her homeland of Pakistan due to her beliefs.
      I am Malala is not only a cry for equal education rights but a touching tribute to Malala's father and his goal of being educated, educating others, and building a model school for all. Malala herself says that she doesn't hate the man who shot her, yet the amount of anger towards her in the country of Pakistan is unbelievable. There are so many stories like Malala’s, different topics but they still are fighting for something. There's only one difference though, they didn't survive. Malala’s fight is not only hers, it's ours now too. 

Below are pictures of girls in the middle east being educated. Even though these images do not depict the norm they show steps in a good direction. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

Issues Discussed in I Am Malala

     I Am Malala is a very well written book that describes and calls to attention the various issues that the Middle East, and particularly Pakistan faces today. Malala Yousefzai in the telling of her story talks about many topics such as corruption, sexism, education, women’s rights, and terrorism. Despite giving her stance on all these issues she focuses particularly on education for women throughout middle east and how difficult it is for women to be properly educated. She shares in detail her route to school everyday and the struggles that not only she, but every other girl faces in order to attend school. Malala continues on to talk about how terrorists sought after her and her family due to the fact that her father, Ziauddin Yousefzai, is a strong advocate for women's education.
    Malala, throughout the book talks about how women are treated in the middle east. She brings up how women must be covered up, rarely leave the house, and when travelling she must be with a male. In her culture women are simply expected to stay at home to cook and clean. With these strict regulations women throughout the middle east will not have the chance to be educated. Malala fights against these immoral cultural rules by joining her father's side in advocating for education for women. She supports her father's position and speeches publicly all while continuing to achieve high grades in her classes.
    Throughout this book we were all reminded of how lucky we are to attend school without fear of being killed by any extremist supporters. Malala starts her story and at the same time drives her point home with her story of being attacked by a member of the Taliban. The shooting she survived shows how far people will go when their beliefs are challenged.
    Malala Yousefzai in telling her story has called the attention of the world to the issue of education for women. She along with her father have made enormous strides towards a better tomorrow by bravely standing up against those who want to continue to suppress women.
    Even though Malala is seen as a hero for surviving a terrorist shooting, she goes on to state that she does not want to be known as “the girl who was shot by the Taliban” but rather “the girl who fought for education.” Reading these quotes made us truly realize how amazing this girl is. Malala not only proudly stood up for women's education rights in a culture that condemns it but she nearly put her life on the line to help grant education to all women within the middle east.